Somfy smart home system with ekey fingerprint scanner

Getting the most out of the smart home with a fingerprint scanner

The smart home already starts at the entrance. Control doors and gates with an ekey fingerprint scanner and enjoy the unique convenience of keyless living!

The fingers of those authorized to enter undergo a unique matching procedure, which ensures additional security within your home. Combine ekey xLine, sLine or dLine fingerprint scanners with the numerous benefits of your TaHoma smart home system from Somfy. The smart combination makes it easier for you to control building technology components and events with your finger.

Application examples for your smart home

Enjoy a new lliving experience with ekey fingerprint scanners and Somfy

With ekey xLine, sLine and dLine as well as TaHoma® from Somfy, smart events can be easily implemented in the smart home: with fingerprint scanners, it is possible to define precisely who is allowed to control certain elements.

The finger as a smart key

No more looking for keys or typing in codes when you’re packed with groceries. Because you come home, put your finger on the fingerprint scanner and the door is unlocked! In addition, you can use smart functions and simultaneously control the light or deactivate the alarm system by placing your finger on the fingerprint scanner.

A family-friendly smart home

You have picked up the children from school or kindergarten and the weather is splendid. So out into the garden! Putting the finger on the fingerprint scanner when coming home also sent the robotic lawnmower back to its charging station. So nothing stands in the way of blithe playing.

Enjoy your vacation without concerns

While you are on vacation, your smart home can save energy and simulate your presence – easily controlled by fingerprint scanner. When the absence mode starts, blinds are automatically opened and closed and lights in different rooms are switched on and off again after a while. Vacation mode is automatically deactivated when you place your finger on the fingerprint scanner upon arriving home.

Find your ideal combination!

ekey and Somfy are smart home partners, find out more about the individual components here.

Available fingerprint scanner systems from ekey:


How to combine the systems

You need a complete ekey xLine, ekey sLine or ekey dLine system, consisting of a fingerprint scanner and the respective control unit. In addition, the TaHoma® smart home system from Somfy is required. After that, step-by-step instructions are available via the ekey developer wiki to connect the two systems. Or you can contact the electrical installation company you trust.